2018 Gift Guide

Northside Neighborhood House Chattanooga

Northside Neighborhood House

The Impact You’ll Make:

Provide a hand up, not a hand out, through education and assistance. Northside Neighborhood House (NNH) serves seven different zip codes north of the river including Red Bank, Hixson, Soddy Daisy, Lupton City, Sale Creek, and Bakewell area residents. Donors can impact the lives of their neighbors by supporting the numerous assistance programs that NNH provides. These programs range from direct assistance, adult education, children’s education, community schools at Red Bank High and Hixson Middle, and computer, cooking, and family dinner nights. Learn more at nnhouse.org | 423.267.2217

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 4086, Chattanooga, TN 37405 | Online: nnhouse.org/donate

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga

The Impact You’ll Make:

Big Brothers Big Sisters creates professionally supported one-to-one matches between adult volunteer mentors and kids who want to realize their full potential. When kids have mentors, they make better grades, are more focused on their goals, and get along better with their parents. This year, BBBS has served 443 kids—but 187 are still waiting for mentors. Stand with Big Brothers Big Sisters and help shape Chattanooga’s future. Learn more at bbbschatt.org | 423.698.8016

How to Donate:

Mail: 2015 Bailey Avenue,
Chattanooga, TN 37404 | 
Online: bbbschatt.org

Chattanooga Area Food Bank

Chattanooga Area Food Bank

The Impact You’ll Make:

In 2017, the Chattanooga Area Food Bank distributed 12.6 million meals to children, families, and seniors in the 20 counties they serve. Yet, 1 in 5 children and 1 in 8 adults in Chattanooga area communities remain food insecure, meaning they don’t have consistent access to food, enough food, or enough nutritious food. As a Feeding America member, the food bank can leverage $1 to supply 4 meals, and 97 cents of every dollar donated goes directly toward food and programs. Learn more at chattfoodbank.org | 423.622.1800

How to Donate:

Mail: 2009 Curtain Pole Road, Chattanooga, TN 37406  | Online: chattfoodbank.org

Erlanger Foundations Chattanooga

Erlanger Foundations

The Impact You’ll Make:

Kennedy Outpatient Center, the first phase of the new Children’s Hospital at Erlanger, opens December 2018. This unique center – which will see more children annually than any other facility – has been designed to engage kids’ imaginations while providing state-of-the art health care. Your donations will help children who will be treated in outpatient services for many illnesses that used to be deemed chronic and serious, as the center provides easier access to a wide range of pediatric specialists. Learn more at webelieve.build | 423.778.6600

How to Donate:

Mail: 975 East Third Street – B508, Chattanooga, TN 37403 | Online: theirnewhospital.com

Partnership for Families Children and Adults Chattanooga

Partnership for Families, Children and Adults

The Impact You’ll Make:

The Partnership for Families, Children and Adults is a human services agency serving 19 counties in the Tennessee Valley area. Since its inception over 140 years ago, the Partnership has grown to become the region’s largest and most comprehensive human services agency and touches the lives of over 50,000 individuals each year. The Partnership’s service portfolio provides methods that elevate the family and nurture the development of physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Your gifts help the Partnership continue to provide these valuable services. Learn more at partnershipfca.com | 423.755.2822

How to Donate:

Mail: 1800 McCallie Avenue,
Chattanooga, TN 37404 | 
Online: partnershipfca.com/donate

Tennessee River Gorge Trust Chattanooga

Tennessee River Gorge Trust

The Impact You’ll Make:

Protecting the Tennessee River Gorge since 1981, this conservation organization works diligently to provide access to more than 17,000 acres in the Cumberland Mountains. The trust studies the ecosystem to ensure its health and seeks to protect the additional 10,000 acres of unprotected land within the river gorge. With your support, TRGT can maintain the Tennessee River Gorge as a healthy, accessible, and protected place for the community and visitors for generations to come. Learn more at trgt.org | 423.266.0314

How to Donate:

Mail: 1214 Dartmouth Street,
Chattanooga, TN 37405 | 
Online: trgt.org

Hosanna Community Chattanooga

Hosanna Community

The Impact You’ll Make:

Blind since birth, Susan lived with a foster family for over 40 years. When that arrangement was no longer an option, she had few choices that would allow her a good quality of life. In 1998, she came to live at Hosanna, where she has her own room, attends church weekly, volunteers twice a week, and enjoys attending local musical events. Similar to most of our residents, Susan is on a fixed income. Donations allow our residents to receive financial aid and enjoy a modest rent due to substantial monthly subsidizing of Hosanna’s operating costs. Learn more
at hosannacommunity.org | 

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 958, Hixson, TN 37343 | Online: hosannacommunity.org

Project Access Chattanooga

Project Access

The Impact You’ll Make:

Organized by the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Medical Society and Medical Foundation of Chattanooga, and in collaboration with CHI Memorial, Erlanger, and Parkridge hospital systems, Project Access helps uninsured and low-income Hamilton County residents receive the medical care they need. Since 2004, more than 19,500 patients have been served by the program’s volunteer physicians – but there are others still in need of specialty care. Your donations make a difference in the physical and emotional health of local individuals and their families. Learn more at chattmd.org | 423.826.0269

How to Donate:

Mail: Medical Foundation of Chattanooga | 1917 East Third Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404 | Online: hcprojectaccess.org/support

Siskin Children’s Institute Chattanooga

Siskin Children’s Institute

The Impact You’ll Make:

According to the CDC, 1 in 6 children is diagnosed with a developmental disability. That means that there is a high demand for organizations like Siskin Children’s Institute – a place that families can turn to for early intervention programs, diagnosis, and treatment. Make a difference in the lives of children like Brooklynn and Michael by being the 1 in 6 Chattanooga area residents who donate $20 or more to help children with special needs. Learn more at siskin.org | 423.648.1700

How to Donate:

Mail: 1101 Carter Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402 | Online: siskin.org/hope

National Park Partners Chattanooga

National Park Partners

The Impact You’ll Make:

National Park Partners champions the conservation of the natural, historic, and cultural resources of Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park, including Moccasin Bend National Archeological District. With your help, NPP is able to preserve and promote the stories of these national treasures – places for remembrance, reflection, and discovery. Thanks to the generous challenge grant from the Lyndhurst Foundation, all gifts will be doubled through a one-to-one match, up to $50,000. Learn more at
npp-ccm.org | 423.648.5623

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 748, Chattanooga, TN 37401 | Online: npp-ccm.org

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