2024 Holiday Fashion

The Best in Holiday Attire


belle rive botique

Photo by Kristina Armstrong


Belle Rive Boutique

113 Frazier Ave.


Shirt: Pixi + Ivy
Pants: Miss B

Right: Natalie Ford
Chattanooga, TN

Dress: Carole Christian

“Our holiday outfits strike a balance between glamour and comfort. The sequin joggers add the right amount of sparkle and festive flair while the rich texture of velvet adds warmth and sophistication. From formal events to entertaining at home, these outfits are perfect for any holiday celebration!”

Heather Stafford,


blue collection

Photo by Hacker Medias


The Blue Collection

Alice Blue | Hanover Blue | Electric Blue
1100 Hixson Pike, Suite 112


Right: Olivia Robinson
Chattanooga, TN
Studio B-3

Dress: Frances Valentine
Shades: Krewe
Earrings: The Blue Collection

Left: Macon
Pet Therapy Lab

“Make this upcoming holiday season one to remember. Treat yourself and those you love to a day of fashion, fun, and fabulousness. Come play dress up with us! And bring a camera to take photos to keep and cherish as your loved ones grow up, move away, or grow gray. ”

Anita Oaks Headrick,
Owner & CEO


yacoubian tailors

Photo by Kristina Armstrong


Yacoubian Tailors

629 Broad Street


Left: Linda Norwood
Signal Mountain, TN

Top, Jacket, & Pants: DREW
Earrings: Erin Gray
Necklace: Mackenzie Harper

Right: Dede Bennett
Signal Mountain, TN

Top & Pants: Lyssé
Earrings: Erin Gray


“Whether you’re dressed up in sparkles or dressed down for comfort, the most important thing for the holidays is to remain true to yourself!”

Ani Yacoubian Riggs, Buyer

Rock City Ad

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