As turkey time approaches, I must say that Old Hamilton Bush’s excitement is reaching a new high. The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year because it gives us a chance to remember the past: to swap stories with our families over meals, to reunite with old friends, to pull out our yellowing scrapbooks and photo albums and reminiscence about where we’ve come from.
It seems to me that the memories we create during this special time have an interesting way of sticking with us, too. So to kick off the season of reflection, here is a look back at the season here in Chattanooga.
Photos Courtesy ofthe Chattanooga Public Library (
City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks December 1950. A view of Market Street decorated for Christmas as seen looking north from 9th Street.
That ‘70s Christmas December 9, 1977. Office Christmas Party held at the Hamilton County Clerks’ Office.
No Place Like Home (right) Circa 1951. Tennessee state line highway sign shown after a snow storm on Lookout Mountain.
Oh Come All Ye Faithful (above) Circa 1957. Hamilton National Bank choir during a Christmas concert at the main office located at Market and 7th Streets. Hamilton National Bank merged with First Tennessee in 1976. Its original building is now the downtown branch of First Tennessee.
Happy Thanksgiving! Nov. 23, 1934. On one of her brief visits to Chattanooga, Grace Moore is presented the Key to the City by Commissioner W. E. Wilkerson. The Chattanooga High School band performed as she walked down the train platform. Pictured upper left is J. Oscar Miller, Voice Professor, Cadek Conservatory, and director of the Chattanooga Civic Chorus. Lower left is Chattanooga Times reporter Fred Hixon.