Celebrating the City – First Things First

Photos by Michael Hampton

In September, First Things First celebrated its 21st annual Signature Event at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Proceeds benefited First Things First’s efforts to strengthen families in Hamilton County.

André & Jennifer Dantzler and Dr. Rick Rigsby

Jody & Damon Riggs

Honor & Doug Hightshue and Louis & Janet Zarzour

Suzanne & Mike Bourne and Sara & Norman Presson

John & Laurel Niemeyer

Beth Harrell, Julie Baumgardner, Mike Harrell, and Diane Marble

Ryne & Morgan Shumaker

Jim McKenzie and David Stewart

Larry & Beth Harwood and Matt Clemmer

Tracy Reed, Mack McCarley, Joshua Reed, and Missy Thompson

Yanetta & Timothy Bowman

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