Give the Gift of Giving Back

Northside Neighborhood House Ad

Northside Neighborhood House

The Impact You’ll Make:

Provide a hand up, not a handout, through education and assistance. Northside Neighborhood House (NNH) serves seven different zip codes north of the river including Red Bank, Hixson, Soddy-Daisy, Lupton City, Sale Creek, and Bakewell area residents. Donors can impact the lives of their neighbors by supporting the numerous assistance programs that NNH provides. These programs range from direct assistance to adult education, children’s education, community schools at Red Bank High, Hixson Middle, and Soddy Daisy Middle, as well as computer classes, cooking classes, and family dinner nights. Learn more at | 423.267.2217

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 4086, Chattanooga, TN 37405 | Online:




Chambilss Center for Children Ad

Chambliss Center for Children

The Impact You’ll Make:

Your gift to Chambliss Center for Children will make a big impact in the Chattanooga community by helping provide early childhood education and 24/7 childcare to primarily low-income and single-parent families. The organization also provides residential care for children who’ve been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect and transitional living for teens aging out of foster care.
Learn more at | 423.698.2456

How to Donate:

Mail: 315 Gillespie Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411  | Online:



Chattanooga Area Food Bank Ad

Chattanooga Area Food Bank

The Impact You’ll Make:

Last year, the Chattanooga Area Food Bank distributed 13.1 million meals to children, families, seniors, and others facing hunger. Yet, in the 20 counties they serve, 1 in 8 people – including 1 in 5 children – do not know where their next meal will come from. As a member of Feeding America, the Chattanooga Area Food Bank can leverage $1 to help provide four meals, and 97 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to support the organization’s mission and programs. Learn more at | 423.622.1800

How to Donate:

Mail: 2009 Curtain Pole Road, Chattanooga, TN 37406 | Online:




Cempa Community Care Ad

Cempa Community Care

The Impact You’ll Make:

No matter the amount, every donation makes a difference to the clients of Cempa Community Care. Thanks to donors, Cempa is able to champion healthy communities through the compassionate and responsive delivery of education, health, social, and advocacy related services. Donations allow Cempa to continue to fight for the well-being of individuals impacted by HIV, Hepatitis C, and other STIs. Learn more at | 423.648.9913

How to Donate:

Mail: 1000 E. Third Street, Suite 300, Chattanooga, TN 37403
Online: | Text: CEMPA to 423.205.7110




Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults Ad

Partnership for Families, Children and Adults

The Impact You’ll Make:

The Partnership for Families, Children and Adults is a community impact organization serving 22 counties across the Tennessee Valley. Established 143 years ago, the Partnership is one of the most comprehensive human services agencies. Last year, it provided assistance to more than 26,000 people through counseling, crisis intervention, and prevention services. With an evolving and effective array of services and partnerships, programs are not only designed to meet the immediate needs of our community members but to also lay the groundwork for lifelong success, stability, and independence. Your gifts help build a stronger, smarter, and safer community. Learn more at | 423.755.2822

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 3525, Chattanooga, TN 37404 | Online:




Tennessee River gorge trust ad

Tennessee River Gorge Trust

The Impact You’ll Make:

Protecting the Tennessee River Gorge since 1981, the Tennessee River Gorge Trust (TRGT) works diligently to provide access to more than 17,000 acres on the Cumberland Plateau. TRGT studies the ecosystem to ensure its health. With your support, TRGT can maintain the Tennessee River Gorge as a healthy, accessible, and protected place for the community and visitors for generations to come. Learn more at | 423.266.0314

How to Donate:

Mail: 1214 Dartmouth Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405 | Online:




Hosanna Community Ad

Hosanna Community

The Impact You’ll Make:

Blind since birth, Susan lived with a foster family for over 40 years. When that arrangement was no longer an option, she had few choices that would allow her a good quality of life. In 1998, she came to live at Hosanna, where she has her own room, attends church weekly, volunteers twice a week, and enjoys attending local musical events. Similar to most of the residents, Susan is on a fixed income. Donations allow residents to receive financial aid and enjoy a modest rent due to substantial monthly subsidizing of Hosanna’s operating costs. Learn more at | 423.870.6880

How to Donate:

Mail: P.O. Box 958, Hixson, TN 37343 | Online:




Signal Centers Baby University Ad

Signal Centers

The Impact You’ll Make:

Contributions to Baby University support healthy pregnancies, brain development, strong families, and connected communities right here in Chattanooga. A public-private partnership between the City of Chattanooga and Signal Centers, Baby University focuses on families that are expecting or have a young child and are in high-need communities. Recent data shows that 100% of expectant moms who are enrolled in the program received prenatal care, and the program’s infant mortality rate is 0%. Learn more at | 423.698.8528

How to Donate:

Mail: Signal Centers, 109 N. Germantown Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411 | Online:




Siskin Children's Institute Ad

Siskin Children’s Institute

The Impact You’ll Make:

For every child evaluated at the Siskin Center for Developmental Pediatrics, the cost is more than $600. Insurance reimbursement for this service is approximately $225, meaning the Institute needs at least $365 to serve each child. Your gift will help Siskin Children’s Institute diagnose and treat more children who need the specialized services we provide. Learn more at | 423.648.1700

How to Donate:

Mail: 1101 Carter Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402 | Phone: 423-648-1762 | Online:




United Way of Greater Chattanooga Ad

United Way of Greater Chattanooga

The Impact You’ll Make:

For nearly 100 years, United Way of Greater Chattanooga has been helping the community reach its full potential. Last year, United Way of Greater Chattanooga mobilized nearly 300 companies, 100,000 individuals, and 10,000 volunteers and has invested over $11.5 million into the community over time. Since 2018, the organization has provided basic needs support to over 23,000 individuals through its free and confidential referral line 211, and over 120 families were helped by life coaches stationed in area neighborhoods – all thanks to your donations. Learn more at | 423.752.0300

How to Donate:

Mail: 630 Market Street, Chattanooga TN 37402 | Online:




A Step Ahead Chattanooga Ad

A Step Ahead Chattanooga

The Impact You’ll Make:

A gift of any amount will help A Step Ahead Chattanooga spread the word about free contraception. It will also help direct women to medical partners through an appointment line, provide transportation if needed, and pay any additional costs not covered. This year, The Elsa and Peter Soderberg Charitable Foundation will match donations dollar for dollar, allowing you to double your impact! Access to effective birth control can help a woman complete her education, earn more money, have healthier children, and live life on her terms. Learn more at | 423.265.STEP (7837)

How to Donate:

Mail: ASAC, P.O. Box 4212, Chattanooga, TN 37405 | Online: | Text: “Invest in Women” to 31996




Children's Advocacy Center Ad

Children’s Advocacy Center

The Impact You’ll Make:

A donation to the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC): The Emmy Haney House helps change lives. Due to generous donations, the CAC provides compassionate and professional care to alleged victims of child sexual abuse. Last year, the CAC served nearly 700 local children through intervention, therapy, and education. The CAC works with partners in law enforcement, child protective services, and the judicial system to provide wrap around services for kids. Your support helps the CAC offer a comprehensive response to victims of child abuse. All services are free of charge for children and their families. Learn more at | 423.266.6918

How to Donate:

Mail: 5705 Uptain Road, Suite C, Chattanooga, TN 37411 | Online:




Downside Up Ad

Downside Up

The Impact You’ll Make:

A gift of any amount can help Downside Up provide creative spaces and experiences to children with special needs and their families. These opportunities encourage growth, inspire learning, and help children and their parents develop connections. Downside Up envisions a world where everyone with special needs and their loved ones have access to the programs they need to grow and thrive. With your help, Downside Up can continue to provide families with access to camps, retreats, events, and other inclusive opportunities that unite children of all abilities. Learn more at | 423.364.0991

How to Donate:

Mail: 711 Signal Mountain Road, Suite 114, Chattanooga, TN 37405 | Online:




Emily's Power for a Cure Ad

Emily’s Power for a Cure

The Impact You’ll Make:

By donating to Emily’s Power for a Cure, you can help local families and those across the United States by funding new research to find a cure for Neuroblastoma. Emily’s Power for a Cure helps Chattanooga area families pay for medicines and treatments not covered by insurance, and the organization also provides meals and transportation when needed. Your support not only supports Emily’s Power for a Cure but also children who are currently fighting or who have previously battled Neuroblastoma.
Learn more at | 423.309.7836

How to Donate:

Mail: Emily’s Power for a Cure, P.O. Box 1387, Hixson, TN 37343 | Online:



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