Quiet Drama

Turning a dull, mismatched room into a space that felt like a four-star hotel was a tall order for interior designer Haskell Matheny. However, Matheny turned this room from lackluster to all around lovely by focusing on texture, contrast, interesting shapes, and a quiet color palette. While most of the room is one neutral tone, drama is created by the contrast of bold, dark colored wood on the bed, chairs, and walnut paneled tray ceiling. Lack of color in the room adds extra emphasis to the interesting, unique pieces, such as the curved headboard and carving on the wooden chest. A very small splash of soothing green is provided through the chair pillows, bench, and bed pillow piping. “Even in a neutral space, I love to pick one color and let it dance around the room,” Matheny says. Now this once large, tired master suite has all the luxury of a quiet and calm four-star retreat.

while most of the room is one neutral tone, drama is created by the contrast of bold, dark colored wood on the bed, chairs, and walnut paneled tray ceiling
Interior Designer: 
Haskell Matheny,
ASID, CAPS, Haskell Interiors

Photography: Med Dement

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